My Gallery

When I got married I realized that with the money available for investing in paintings I could have just bought some "scraps"... thus I decided to invest in colors and made those "scraps" by myself!!

I enclose herebelow 10 of my most recent works. The images are presented in thumbnail version. You can see them in a wider shape by clicking on the relevant description.

Thanks for your attention.

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Self portrait

The " libecciata"

Inside a whisky distillery

Mountain cottage

Countryside - An interior

Meadows in Brittany

Clean, sweet waters...

Scottish fields

Rotterdam harbour : a tug-boat

nantuck1.gif (276829 bytes)     Nantucket Island

I look forward to receiving a letter from you

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Page established : February 6,1996
Last update : March 3, 1999

This page is mainatained by Mario Paesani...the webmaster !