General's Santa Anna troops move into San Antonio. Colonel Travis and garrison move
into Alamo. Two scouts (Sutherland and Smith) are sent to Gonzales with appeal for
Santa Anna demands for surrender.
Travis answers with a 18-pounder shot.
Colonel Bowie, ill, turns full command over to Travis. Mexican batteries begin bombardment of Alamo. Travis writes his "To The People of Texas & all Americans in the world"
Artillery bombardment continues. Mexican batteries are planted across the river about 300 yards from Alamo. Travis sends an appeal to Sam Houston. ("Give me help, oh my Country").
Texans make a raid on La Villita, burning several homes which have afforded the Mexican cover.
Bombardment continues. Cold winds from the north bring temperature down to 39 degrees.
Travis sends Bonham to seek help from Colonel Fannin in Goliad.
Little rest, little food for garrison. New Mexican battery placed about 800 yards to north. Santa Anna's tactics of harassment having effect on Alamo defenders.
Weather improves to 55 degrees. Santa Anna moves his troops closer.
Thirty-two men arrive from Gonzales to reinforce The Alamo.
Convention held in Washington-on-the-Brazos declares Texas an Independent Republic.
Unaware men in Alamo remain under heavy Mexican bombardment.
James Bonham returns on his attempt to secure reinforcements. Bombardment continues.
Travis sends out his last known letters.
Mexicans advance their batteries about 200 yards of the Alamo's north wall. General Santa Anna holds a council of war and lays out his plans for taking The Alamo by storm.
Colonel Travis assembles men in plaza of Alamo and tells them there is no hope of help.
He draws line on ground with sword to be crossed by all who will stand and fight.
All cross line but Moses Rose, who escapes over the wall.
Day 13! At 1:00 am Mexican troops (1,400 men) move towards positions. At 5:00 am Santa
Anna gives signal : Mexican bugler sounds Deguello, four columns of the Mexican
army advance on Alamo.
Texans repulse twice the invaders with desperate, intense fighting. Heavy Mexican
casualties (nearly 600 killed or wounded).
Battle rages through The Alamo.
6:30 am : Last firing over. The Alamo has fallen...
In the words of General Vincente Filisola, "... by grapeshot, musketshot and the
bayonet, they were all killed at last."
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Birth of the Lone Star State
Page established : February 27, 1996
Last update : November 13, 1996